
28 June 2009

About Penguin

Penguin is Jacq, a born and bred Sydney girl who loves all things food and is always thinking about the next meal. After a long-term love affair with other Sydney food blogs, I decided to start my own food blog to keep a record of the all the amazing cooking and eating adventures that I experience in Sydney and (hopefully one day) around the world.

I love to eat out with my other food-obsessed friends and take photos of the food, all the while getting impatient looks from friends and strange looks from strangers! I also enjoy spending time in the kitchen baking or cooking up a storm - and making a giant mess in the process.

Although I will eat just about anything edible that's put in front of me, I have a particular weakness for French and Japanese food. I love sashimi, scallops, noodles, macarons and gelato, but am still trying to get a taste for coriander, kaffir lime, olives and liquorice. It may sound strange but I keep continuing to try these foods in the hope that one day my tastebuds will magically acquire a taste for them!

I hope that Penguin says Feed Me will be my personal food diary that other people can read and enjoy. I would love to hear any comments or feedback about the blog and I'm always open to any recommendations for places to eat!

You can contact me at: penguinsaysfeedme [at] gmail [dot] com


  1. Hello!!!!! Wow this is a pretty descriptive blog. It makes me hungry for Asiettie now! I will definitely go try it out in Surrey Hills. What delightful pictures too!!! YUM!YUM!YUM!!! :D:D:D

  2. Hi Shell (aka Captain Awesome) - thanks for being the first to comment :)

  3. Human rubbish bin indeed *nods*

    Nice work, I'm liking this muchly = ]

  4. Queen Chu would like to express her delight regarding penguin's marvelous blog and looks forward to accompanying the hungry penguin to many dining experiences in the near and far future!

  5. yay its finally up!! ive been waiting for this since wagaya attempt number something. i now eagerly await the first place you try with a dish that is potato-based. mmmmmm......

  6. i know i'll be coming back for more info on your dining experiences, penguin! great work :D

  7. Came across to your blog from Here comes the Food. Great reviews on restaurants in the North Shore, which is helpful to me since I live in the area too.

  8. Hi Charmaine - Thanks so much! Glad you find the reviews useful =)

  9. aww cute blog "feed me" hehe. I stumbled on your blog from Google when I was hungry but couldn't eat xO I like your photos, they're nicely taken.

  10. Hi Junie - Thanks for stopping by! Glad you like the photos :)
