
28 July 2009

Ton Ton Regent, Sydney

On chilly winter days, there's nothing more comforting than a piping hot bowl of noodles in soup. This is how Sir D and I ended up at Ton Ton Regent - a primarily take-away noodle joint which also offers hand roll sushi, rice bowls and other dishes. There is some seating around the counter but when we arrived at 12.30pm on a Friday, almost all of the seats were taken. But we got lucky =)

At the counter they have a glass cabinet with some salads and sushi rolls, and around it are pictures of their menu items with shout outs of "New!", "Popular!" and "Try Me!". You can pick up a laminated menu from the counter or go for the noodle set which is written on the red board. The noodle set allows you to select one noodle bowl from the menu plus either a small curry, gyoza or sushi roll for $12.50. I was feeling quite hungry so I ordered the noodle set with their special Ton Ton Ramen, while Sir D ordered the Sukiyaki Beef Udon.

Ton Ton Ramen: A special 'tonkotsu' soup - mildly spiced thick pork broth topped with BBQ pork - $9.80

We'd only been sitting down for about 5 minutes when the food arrived - 2 steaming hot bowls of noodles with a plate of gyoza and rice. The Ton Ton Ramen is delicious with a flavoursome soup that has a hint of spicyness, 3 slices of roast pork and ramen noodles with just the right amount of chew in it.

Sukiyaki Beef Udon: Bonito soup topped with Sukiyaki beef slices, seaweed and spring onions - $9.80

I was so engrossed in my own bowl of ramen that I forgot to even try Sir D's Sukiyaki Beef Udon until it was all gone. I asked him whether he gave it a thumbs up or a thumbs down and he said that it got a thumbs sideways. His only complaint was that the beef was overcooked but apart from that it was tasty.

Gyoza: Pan-fried homemade Japanese dumplings filled with pork and cabbage - part of $12.50 noodle set

>Although the gyoza had browned bottoms they were deceptive as they didn't deliver that crunchyness on the bottom. However, the dumpling skins were thin and the filling was moist - needless to say they were all devoured with no problems at all. If you're lurking on George St around Town Hall and looking for a quick ramen fix, then this is the place to go.

Ton Ton Regent
Ground Floor, Regent Place
501 George Street
Sydney NSW
Ph: +61 (02) 92671313
Monday - Sunday, 11.30am-10pm

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Ton Ton Regent on Urbanspoon


  1. I must try this place. It's certainly the weather for ramen! :) Shame about the gyoza though, I wonder if they were fried ahead of time?

  2. Hi Lorraine - One of things I love about winter is eating warm comfort food! I'm not sure whether the gyoza were fried ahead of time (they weren't sitting in the window of the counter or anything) but it would explain why the gyoza were a little soggier than they looked.
