
27 August 2009

Brown Sugar Pavlova

After eating the glorious brown sugar pavlova from MuMu Grill and seeing Not Quite Nigella's success at recreating it, I had to try and make it at home. I wanted the pavlova to be the main attraction so I decorated it simply with some sweetened whipped cream and some strawberries. Sir D also likes his pavlova with less of that gooey, spongy interior so I left it in the oven for a bit longer so that it dried out a bit more.

And although I must admit that it wasn't nearly as good as the pavlova from MuMu Grill, it was greatly enjoyed by Sir D and myself. It turned out superbly crunchy on the outside with a bit of the spongy, airy meringue on the inside, and along with the strawberries and cream made for a fantastic home-made dessert. And for once, my pavlovas didn't collapse when I added the cream and fruit so yay for that!

Brown Sugar Pavlova (makes 2 large-ish individual pavlovas)

Recipe adapted from Not Quite Nigella, who adapted it from Australian Gourmet Traveller March 2009 via the Greedy Gourmand

2 egg whites
75g caster sugar
40g brown sugar
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt
200mL cream
1 tbsp caster sugar, extra
1 punnet strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced (you can really use any fruit you have lying around)

1. Preheat oven to 140ÂșC. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and draw three 9cm circles on the paper which will be the outline for your pavlovas.

Brown sugar meringue after beating

2. Beat egg whites and the pinch of salt with an electric beater until soft peaks form, then add the caster sugar bit by bit, beating until stiff peaks form and the mixture becomes thick and glossy. Add the brown sugar and beat until the sugar is dissolved, then add the vinegar and vanilla and beat until combined.

3. Spoon meringue mixture into the circles and bake in the oven for 1 hour 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and allow to cool completely inside the oven.

4. Beat the cream with the extra sugar until stiff peaks form. Spread on top of the cooled pavlovas and top with fruit as desired.


  1. oohh looks yummy =)
    did u know that i've never had a pavlova before! i must try one teehee!
    guess what i'm making this weekend... CREME CARAMEL!!!

    hilba xx

  2. jacqui this is ying! I remembered you said you had a blog but that email was lost in a pile of junk notices so I never got round to seeing this...until now! That looks so delicious! I can never manage desserts, too much patience and trial and error.


    ps 'Sir D'? haha.

  3. Ooh I've wanted to recreate this dessert ever since I first tried it at MuMu, it was delicious! The outside looks wonderfully shiny, thanks for the recipe!

  4. Hi hilba - You've never had a pavlova before? But it's such a classic dessert! Hope you enjoy your creme caramel ;)

    Hi ying - Thanks and I'm glad you could finally check out my blog! Hope you're having a great time wherever you are on the other side of the world!

    Hi Stephcookie - No problem! Let me know how it goes if you recreate it =)

  5. I know, it wasn't quite like the Mumu one but I really liked it with the bananas flambe :)

  6. Hi Lorraine - I've never actually had bananas flambe but I'm a bit apprehensive about flaming things on the stove! I'm sure it was delicious though ;) Thanks so much for the recipe =D

  7. Wow!!!!!!!! I think your pavlova is definitely the main attraction. It looks perfect with the strawberries and cream.

  8. oh well done. i love this pav when i tried at MuMu Grill. i'll have to try one day. :-)

  9. Hi Linda - Thank you so much! But it really doesn't compare to the desserts you make on eatshow&tell ;)

    Hi Charm - You can make me one after your exams! =P Or I can make one for your birthday if you REALLY want...

    Hi Simon Food Favourites Thanks for the comment :) Totally agree with you about the MuMu pavlova being fantastic!
