
26 September 2009

Benbry Burgers, Manly

I had fully intended on bringing you guys a post about the Merival Winter Feast we had at Lotus last night, but sadly my photos turned out SHOCKINGLY bad due to the dim lighting - even with Photoshop I can't fix them up! But I will say that it was a great 3 course meal we had for $39 - all the dishes were balanced with the ingredients pairing so well together it was like they were destined to be eaten like that. Dan Hong (if you ever read this): you are a genius! For more about the Merivale Winter Feast offer at Lotus and some photos of the dishes, visit eatshow&tell, one bite more, and raspberri cupcakes (essentially we ate the same dishes except the mains were slightly different).

Anyway, onto the real post: BenBry burgers is a little hole in the wall in Manly just off the main strip of shops. The first time I went there was no one there but today it was packed with crowds of people waiting outside for their burgers, even at 2.30pm. It seems word has got out about this place! We ordered our burgers and joined the crowds for the long haul. And boy were we starving when we finally got our order after about 30 minutes wait.

Tropical Feast - $9.50

Sir D ordered the Tropical Feast burger in a meal deal that comes with chips and a drink for an extra $2.95. It comes with a beef patty, crispy bacon rashers, cheese, pineapple, lettuc, tomato onion, avocado, Benbry aioli and tomato sauce. The beef patty was a bit dry but the burger as a whole was a pretty good combination. The burgers were so big that they we weren't even hungry by dinner time.

Fries with Benbry aioli - included with $2.95 meal deal, or $4 alone

The chips were a bit mediocre - I remember them being better and more crunchy the first time we came but it might have been because they were really busy today.

Le Coq - $11.50

I ordered the Le Coq burger (a bit embarrassing to say at the counter...) which has a crumbed chicken breast with garlic butter, bacon, avocado, lettuce, tomato, onion, Benbry aioli and tomato sauce. I'm glad I ordered this burger because the chicken breast is not dry but moist and tender with a lovely crunchy crumb. It also happens to go really well with the avocado and aioli and despite the size of the burger I have no problems finishing it off.

Royal Copenhagen and chocolate in a waffle cone - $5.90

Later on we head over to Copenhagen for ice cream in a choc-dipped waffle cone. I get the chocolate and Royal Copenhangen (hokey pokey) flavours but the best part of getting ice cream at Copenhagen is putting the toppings on at the end! And so my ice cream gets a very very liberal sprinkling of chocolate sprinkles. Yum!

Crowds at Manly Beach

Benbry Burgers
5 Sydney Road
Manly NSW
Ph: +61 (02) 99776055
Open 7 days, 11am til late
10% surcharge on public holidays

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Ben Bry Burgers on Urbanspoon


  1. ooh i love aioli on everything! and man that icecream cone looks so awesome

  2. Hi chocolatesuze - Aioli is pretty addictive... especially with fries!

  3. Hehe I really must restrain myself when adding on the toppings to the Copenhagen ice creams. I always feel the urge to keep pouring and pumping and adding all the sprinkles! :P

  4. Oohh must get bak to Benbry sometime, their burgers were quite le good mmmm and yeah their chips are normally decent :S

  5. Hi Lorraine - Me too! I think I must hold up the queue sometimes trying to get the maximum number of sprinkles onto my ice cream =P

    Hi FFichiban - Yeah they do have pretty good burgers, although Sir D prefers the ones at the Counter Burger in Crows Nest. It might be something to do with the novelty of choosing your own fillings though hehe

  6. heeeey jacq,

    your food blog makes me miss sydney a lot. Here in the US the only thing I've been eating is burger and fries, and mashed potato and chicken. So much chicken (in a bad way)!

    Keep up your eating spree - I love reading about it!

