
7 September 2009

Löwenbräu Keller, The Rocks

Be sure to wear your elastic-waisted pants, because we're about to embark on a meat extravaganza!

Brezel: Home baked pretzel - $3.00 each

A group of us are here tonight to celebrate MB's graduation, and we are greeted at the front by a very friendly man who continues to make funny sounds and faces at Queen Chu throughout the night, and then laughs at himself! Weird and a bit creepy....

Mango Weizen: Franziskaner wheat bier with mango juice - $10.60 for 500mL

Hofbrau Diesel: Dark lager with Coca Cola - $10.50 for 500mL

But anyway, a trip to Löwenbräu isn't complete without some bier and pretzels! Fi gets a Mango Weizen which is sweet and very easy to drink, while Sir D and I share a Hofbräu Diesel, which is a dark lager mixed with coke.

Queen Chu and her Spezi - $6.50 (I think)

When our waitress sees Queen Chu try the Mango Weizen and wrinkle her nose in distaste, she suggests that she get a soft drink. And she returns with a very bier-looking drink and tells us that it is a Spezi - a mix of Fanta and Coke that looks like bier for little kids to drink. Perfect!

Kalbsbratwurst: grilled veal sausage with mashed potato, buttered peas and crisp onions - $24.00

We make our menu choices and before long the masses of meat start to roll out onto the table. MB chooses the Kalbsbratwurst which is essentially bangers and mash. And since it's got a big mound of creamy mash, MB is a happy camper.

Kalbsschnitzel "Weiner Art": Milk-fed veal schnitzel with cranberry compote, salad and french fries - $28.50

Next up is JC's schnitzel and I am sceptical about the menu's claim that it is "light" since it looks massive, but JC has no trouble finishing this and it is apparently quite a light meal indeed (compared with their other meatier offerings). They forget about the cranberry sauce but they apologise and bring it over in a separate bowl.

Allgäuer Käsespätzle: Baked cheese spätzle with melted onions and served with a side salad - $23.00

d.skipper.w wants to go for something a bit healthier, so she opts for the baked spätzle. I've never tried spätzle before so I have a bit of this and it's a bit like cheesy spaghetti, but not quite as long and with a different texture. d.skipper.w loves the cheese but can't finish it due to cheese overload!

Knuspriger Schweinebauch: Crackling roast pork belly with Löwenbräu bier sauce, sautéed potatoes and braised red cabbage - $28.00

Fi is undecided about whether to get the pork knuckle or the pork belly, but goes with the deliciously fatty pork belly for the crackling. There's less crackling on the pork belly but it is much crunchier than the pork knuckle - quality over quantity, right? The sauteed potatoes are also surprisingly good.

Schweinshaxn: Oven roasted pork knuckle with sauerkraut, Lowenbräu bier and mashed potato - $31.00

Queen Chu chooses her mission: the pork knuckle. One giant hunk of pork and crackling lands in front of her and she only manages to consume half of it before admitting defeat. Poor effort Queen Chu! =P

Schlachtplatte: Löwenbräu's selection of Bavarian specialities including sausages, chicken schnitzel, roast pork belly with mashed potato and sauerkraut ($37.00) --> double the size with pork knuckle - $67.00

Sir D and I decide to tackle the giant schlatteplatte - a platter of bavarian specialties including 2x chicken schnitzel, 2x 4 types of sausages, 2x pork belly, 2x 3 types of ham/bacon, 1x pork knuckle + mashed potato, gravy and sauerkraut. This defeated us once before but today we're back with a vengeance (and aforementioned elastic-waisted pants!).


I think we did a pretty good job.

Löwenbräu Keller
Corner Playfair and Argyle Streets
The Rocks
Sydney NSW
Ph: +61 (02) 92477785
Open 7 days, 9am til late

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Lowenbrau Keller on Urbanspoon


  1. My Mango weizen is 500mL!!!
    And yum yum to pork belly. Had it again for Father's Day

  2. Hi Fefifofum - Oh right I'll change that! It just looks so much slimmer than the other chunky bier haha. So you did end up taking your dad there! Did you get that free bier jug?

  3. hehe good tiiiimmmme.
    It's been awhile since the last time I visted there. I love the pork knuckle and mango beerrrrr

  4. Hi Yas - Yep I always have to order some pork knuckle when I go to Lowenbrau :) The mango bier was surprisingly tasty as well!

  5. Hee hee good effort :P but where is the Franz Dunkel!? The best beer they have there haha imo and yay for crackling mm

  6. Hehe I like the faux beer! i'd go for that one I think! :) The schnitzle looks like a blanket! :o

  7. Hi FFichiban - Thanks! I was literally rolling out of the place though haha. I've never actually tried the Franz Dunkel before but next time!

    Hi Lorraine - Haha yep Queen Chu loved her super sweet "beer" =P

  8. wow lowenbrau looks great.
    do you need to book?

  9. Hi Anonymous - I'd recommend booking because it's a popular tourist spot and it can get quite busy at peak times. I have been before without booking but you may have to wait for a table. It also depends on how many people are with you as well.
