
20 October 2009

Pie in the Sky, Cowan

On our way back from The Entrance, we stopped at Pie in the Sky in Cowan. I'd read about this place on Not Quite Nigella and Here Comes The Food, and since Sir D is a big pie-lover we decided to grab a couple of pies. 

It is definitely a pie-lovers paradise with so many different pie fillings to choose from. You can either choose to get your pies in a paper bag or put on a plate for you with cutlery. There's also other delicious additions to your pie such as mash, peas and gravy and although they were very tempting it wasn't quite lunchtime yet so we took ours home.

Pies galore!

We stood at the two pie cabinets for a good 10 minutes trying to decide which pies to get. Sir D firmly announced that we were getting one savoury pie and one fruit pie each - excellent! I had decided on the peach pie but was tossing up between the chicken and asparagus and the lamb, honey and rosemary. 

More pies!

We got our pies and hopped back in the car before we got too many stares from the many bikies that seem to congregate here, who were probably wondering why this strange Asian girl was taking photos of everything...

Beef Burgundy pie - $4.70

Beef Burgundy pie innards

Before we ate the pies we put them in the oven for a bit to heat up, including the fruit pies which were not warm. Sir D was quite ravenous by this time so he dug into his Beef Burgundy pie with gusto and declared it a success! The beef chunks were tender and fall-apart with a thick, rich sauce. 

Chicken and Asparagus pie - $4.70

Chicken and Asparagus pie innards

My chicken and asparagus pie was not too bad although in hindsight I somewhat regret not ordering the other pie! The chicken was just a tad dry but the sauce was nice and creamy with a distinct asparagus taste. The best part of the pie though was definitely the flaky puff pastry - absolutely delicious!

Peach pie - $2.50

Onto the fruit pies which were both fantastic! The shortcrust pastry was so buttery and the sprinkle of sugar on top gave it an extra bit of sweetness. The peach pie had small pieces of canned peach inside with what I think was an apple sauce/gel. 

Apple pie - $2.50

The apple pie had tender chunks of apple and neither of the pies were too sweet. Sir D preferred the apple pie over the peach but I loved both of them and would definitely return to Cowan just to get my hands on more of these pies and their awesome pastry!

Pie in the Sky 
1296 Pacific Hwy
Cowan NSW
Ph: +61 (02) 99857018
Open 7 days
Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday, 8am-5pm

View Larger Map
Pie in the Sky on Urbanspoon


  1. Oohh what a great idea to heat up pies! Too bad I don't have a portable oven since I usually eat there and enjoy the scenery/weather hee hee and you HAVE to try their lamb pies sooooo good ^^!

  2. These pies look solid, we need more of this stuff in Sydney region heh. Harry's Pies are ok, but not the best.

  3. Haven't been up there for a while. I always have difficulty in deciding which pie to order that ended standing there for a long time.

  4. Oh those pies look so good. I recently went to Canberra, but didn't think to stop along the way! Hehe lucky you got out of there before the bikies started hooting & hollering!

  5. Hi FFichiban - Portable oven... now there's an idea! I'll definitely grab a lamb pie next time =D

    Hi Howard - Yeah you're right, there just aren't any pie places like that close by. Simmone Logue has some pretty good pies though - I LOVE their chicken and leek pie!

    Hi Ellie - I was standing there for a while too just looking at all the signs of the pie fillings!

    Hi Betty - Hehe it's definitely worth the detour! The bikies looked intimidating but I'm sure they were pretty harmless ;)

  6. Hehe it's a great place isn't it and really worth the drive (quite scenic anyway). Did you see any kids selling produce on the way? I liked buying things from them as I knew they would be super fresh :)

  7. Pie in the sky is definitely worth a stop off and it is so much nicer driving that way than the F3 with all the roadworks at the moment!

    I made a homemade chicken, mushroom and leek (homegrown) pie a few weeks back. Mmmmm.....


  8. Hi Lorraine - Yeah it was a nice scenic drive, very different from the freeway! And no I missed out on the produce-selling kids but will look out for them next time :)

    Hi Linda - The drive was beautiful and a lot better than getting stuck in traffic on the F3 which is what tends to happen to me when I drive up north. How lucky of you to have homegrown leeks to make pies with!
