
25 October 2009

Poporo, Haymarket

Another pre-theatre dinner - this time Charm and I were watching the long-awaited Wicked! at Capitol Theatre and we were looking for a quick bite before the show. However, I forgot that Thursday was shopping night and that all the usual suspects around the area (Musashi, Chat Thai, Wagaya etc...) would be packed. As a last resort we went to Market City and were surprised to find a new place open which seemed to offer quick and tasty food, which is exactly what we were after.

Touchscreen Menu
Poporo calls itself a "Japanese modern cafe restaurant" and offers a variety of burgers, pasta, salad and rice dishes. Apart from the normal Japanese-style rice dishes such as curry rice and omelette rice, they also had something called "doria" which was "oven baked white mornay sauce and melty cheese on tomato rice". Everything was very reasonably priced hovering around the $10-15 mark. You simply placed your order at the touchscreen, paid at the counter and sat down at a table with your number. 

Spinach and cheese penne (cream sauce with bocconcini, tasty, mozzarella, parmesan and spinach) - $10.90

The food came pretty quickly. Charm and I shared a pasta and doria dish. We tried the spinach and cheese penne which was a combination of four cheeses to make the sauce, and topped with baby spinach and pepper. The pasta was cooked al dente and the cheeses made the sauce creamy and stretchy. Although the serving looked small at first, it was pretty filling and we had trouble finishing it off!

Chicken karaage doria - $10.90

We also ordered a chicken karaage doria. The crumbing on the chicken had gone a bit soggy from the mornay sauce, but it was a delicious combination with the mornay and cheese pairing surprisingly well with the tomato rice. The whole dish was very flavoursome and also very filling. I loved the mornay and tomato rice combo and would definitely order it again!

We left full and satisfied and hurried off to watch Wicked! - one of the best musicals ever! I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it yet :)


Shop 301 Market City
9-13 Hay St
Haymarket NSW
Ph: +61 (02) 92112777

View Larger Map
Poporo on Urbanspoon


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Wicked! I saw it in London and absolutely loved it, my favourite musical ever :D

  2. That cheese on the karaage looks heavenly mmmmm

  3. This place sounds similar to wagaya. Ah Wicked! I like!

  4. Hi Lorraine - I saw your Wicked umbrellaa on your blog and I was going to buy one! But then I realised that the one they were selling in Sydney was just a normal umbrella without that cool pointy bit :(

    Hi FFichiban - It was good cheese =D

    Hi Ellie - I think it's part of the same group as Wagaya... hence the touchscreen menus!

  5. another touchscreen joint?! woo hoo! :) Wicked is on already>!?!? Damn I must get tickets!!!!

  6. Hi billy - Haha these touchscreen places seem to be popping up everywhere! Yes yes go and watch Wicked... it was amazing!!

  7. The touchscreen looks so fun to play with!
    I think I passed this place once....
    but didn't go in because I didn't know what it was
    the food looks yummy =]
    definitely trying next time!

  8. Hi Von - Haha yep the touchscreens are quite the novelty and the food's pretty unique. Not sure if there's other places that have that sort of food around Sydney!
