
15 December 2009

Malay-Chinese Takeaway, Sydney

One sweltering hot lunchtime I met up with Mum at Malay-Chinese Takeaway since I was craving some Malaysian food. I don't know who said that eating hot food on a hot day would make you cooler but it certainly didn't work for me! Although I thought I was semi-delusional for choosing to eat hot and spicy food on a hot summer's day the food was so good that it was worth it in the end.

When we got there during lunch hour it was packed with people but luckily we found a seat reasonably quickly. Malay-Chinese Takeaway has daily specials which are rotated around a 4-week time period. Today's special was mee rebus, which I was thinking of getting, but in the end decided to stick with an old favourite, the char kway teow.

Char Kway Teow - $9.00

You order and pay at the counter, and I was told that the char kway teow would be a 10 minute wait. This to me was good news, as I hoped that it meant that my noodles were being freshly fried. They came out looking like a deceivingly small pile of noodles on a large plate, but I quickly realised that there was a lot more on the plate than I initially thought. The noodles were perfectly soft with a surprising amount of chilli kick considering I didn't see any obvious chilli pieces. Liberally scattered amongst the noodles were pieces of lap cheong, prawns, bean sprouts, garlic chives and fish cake. Although it was really good, I only managed to eat half of this before conceding defeat.

Tofu Laksa - $8.20

Mum got the tofu laksa which had a fragrant broth topped with puffy pieces of fried tofu. The tofu absorbed the soup so that when you bit into it, it released a mouthful of delicious, spicy soup. Mum declared this the best laksa in the CBD but still struggled to finish the huge bowl of noodles. A nice touch that they have is providing bibs for about 30c to people not wanting to splash orange soup onto their business clothes.

When we left there were still scores of people waiting around for a table, even though it was around 30ºC that day. Just goes to show that even hot weather doesn't deter people from grabbing a tasty laksa or curry from this popular little eatery.

Malay-Chinese Takeaway
Shop 1, 50-58 Hunter Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ph: +61 2 9231 6788
Monday - Friday, 11am-7.30pm
Saturday, 11am-6pm

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Malay Chinese Takeaway on Urbanspoon


  1. I love this MC. their food almost never fail everytime I go there. Have you try their assam laksa? one of my fav.

  2. I love this place and, as Billy said above, it never fails. Even after years and years. Love watching the businessmen and their bibs as well =p

  3. I was quite excited to see some empty seats in your photo - it's always so crowded there and I hate walking around with a bowl of food, looking for a seat. It's worth it, though, especially the laksa.

  4. Mmm I always hear great things about their laksa but I still have yet to try it. This post makes me want to go try it now!

  5. Haven't been to that restaurant but have been meaning to for some time now. Your post makes me crave laksa now! :)

  6. one of the best if not the best laksa place in the city. i've enjoyed their char kway teow as well. you'll have to try their assam laksa too but it only comes around every 5 weeks :-)

  7. hehe I remember the first time I went to singapore my aunt took me to a noodle soup at a hawker centre and I asked her "Why are we eating hot soup?" rather baffled. Although I do see the appeal now if it's good soup! :)

  8. Hi Joey - Hehe yeah I love how the tofu absorbs all the soup!

    Hi Billy - No I haven't tried their assam laksa but I'll make sure I get that next time! Is it one of their specials? Because I don't remember seeing it on their regular menu. Thanks for the recommendation!

    Hi mademoiselle délicieuse - Good to know that they're serving consistently great food!

    Hi Belle - I took this photo as we were leaving and it was nearing the end of the peak lunch hour. It was totally packed when we arrived though! Might have also been because it was a really hot day so not as many people felt like a laksa ;)

    Hi Stephcookie - To be honest I'm not a big fan of laksa (I have a thing against vermicelli noodles in soup) but I had some of the broth and it was delicious!

    Hi Simon - I only found out about it this year when I walked past and saw people literally queueing out the door! So I made a point of going back to see what all the fuss was about, and I'm glad I did :)

    Hi Simon Food Favourites - Hehe ok I'll keep checking their website to see when this infamous assam laksa pops up!

    Hi Lorraine - Haha well the concept still baffles me but as long as it tastes good that's all that matters :)

  9. Been ages since I've been here but as Billy says, the assam laksa is amazing! Har mee is also a fave - you just have to time your visit right!

  10. Tofu Laksa one of my favourites. The food looks amazing.

  11. I looooove the MCT. My SO wasn't terribly impressed with the char kuey teow but he's super picky when it comes to "proper" ckt. I've yet to try out this fabled assam laksa... from what I know you have to be super organised (and quick) to be able to get it.

  12. I am still looking for a good place for char koay teow. This place looks yum! And drooling over the tofu laksa!!

  13. Hi Helen - That makes 3 recommendations for the assam laksa! I HAVE to go back to get it!

    Hi A cupcake or two - Hehe yep, the insane crowds are a testament to the quality of their food I think ;)

    Hi Rose - Where does your SO reckon the best CKT is? I'm not exactly an expert because I've only ever had to in Australia so I can't judge what is truly authentic.

    Hi Ellie - If you manage to track down the best char kway teow place let me know!

  14. I got takeaway the time I went and I was seriously un-impressed. Not for taste but for value. Tiny compared to the eat-in sizes. I'll have to head back in and eat-in, sweat it out with everyone else!
