
16 February 2010

Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday

Today is Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent. I've always associated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes, and thanks to trusty Wikipedia I learnt that this was because pancakes contain ingredients such as fat, sugar and eggs which are traditionally not included in the fasting season of Lent. So Shrove Tuesday was considered the last day to enjoy these foods before engaging in 4 weeks of a restricted diet. Any excuse to eat pancakes, I say!

These pancakes were made using my favourite pancake recipe from Donna Hay. The recipe uses buttermilk which produces a deliciously light, fluffy pancake - if you don't have any buttermilk on hand, you can substitute with normal milk and lemon juice. And since we have so many gorgeous summer fruits available at the moment, I decided to top my pancakes with some mango pieces, whipped cream and maple syrup. Enjoy!

from Modern Classics 2 by Donna Hay

2 cups plain flour, sifted
3 tsp baking powder, sifted
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 1/4 cups milk
3/4 cups buttermilk (or substitute with 3/4 cups milk and 1 1/2 tsp lemon juice)
75g butter, melted

1. Place the flour, baking powder and sugar in a bowl. Place the egg, milk, buttermilk and butter in a separate bowl and whisk until combined. Add the milk mixture to the flour mixture and whisk until smooth.

2. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium-low heat. Pour 1/3 cup of the mixture at a time into the pan and cook until bubbles appear on the surface. Turn the pancake and cook for 1 minute or until golden. Keep the pancakes warm while cooking the remaining mixture.

3. Serve in small stacks with maple syrup, lemon and sugar, butter or fresh fruit. Makes 15.


  1. Nice. Mangoes are about to disappear so this is a great way to use the last batches.

  2. Ooh! They look lovely, buttermilk makes pancakes so lovely and moist :) I wish I had made pancakes this morning now!

  3. oh yum your pancakes look delish i need to go buy me some mangoes too hehe happy pancake day!

  4. Mmm pancake day... I need to find an all-you-can-eat pancake place... maybe your restaurant Jacq ;)? hee hee

  5. Tell me that stack is for one person! :P Now I feel like mango pancake... with ice cream! :P

  6. i wish i had more time in a day to cook up a batch of pancakes for brekkie! unlike me though, you don't burn your pancakes, all of yours are so consistently golden and lovely!

  7. Hi joey - Yes I love summer fruits and I wish the season wasn't nearly over! Trying to eat as many of them as I can ;)

    Hi Stephcookie - Yeah once I tried buttermilk in my pancakes I've never looked back!

    Hi chocolatesuze - Hehe I loved those rainbow pancakes that you featured!

    Hi FFichiban - Ah I don't think I'm skilled enough to open a restaurant and I most definitely can't cook fast enough to satisfy your appetite!

    Hi billy - Oh I wish I could say that I ate that whole stack but I shared it with some friends =P

    Hi panda - Haha trust me sometimes the first ones turn out a bit too brown/black because I haven't got the heat right yet hehe
