
27 March 2010

All You Can Eat Ribs at Waterfront Grill, Darling Harbour

When planning a birthday celebration with food bloggers, one always needs to consider the food. Will it taste good? Will there be enough? Thankfully this was not an issue when I celebrated my 21st birthday with a giant horde of super hungry food bloggers craving for ribs at Waterfront Grill.

Raspberry iced tea cocktail (Thanks Leona!)

The amount of food was never going to be a problem since what we were there for was the All You Can Eat Ribs for $29pp, available on Tuesday nights from 5pm. And although there were some inconsistencies with some ribs being a bit drier than others, when they did arrive smothered in BBQ sauce they were delicious!

Even though every seasoned all-you-can-eater knows that carbs are stomach fillers and products of the devil, the steak fries that came with the ribs were so addictive. They may have actually been better than the ribs themselves! We all dug in with gusto but most of us were defeated after two plates of ribs. Richard the eating machine didn't quite make it to the 6 plates he was aiming for but nearly finished 4 plates so good effort!

Despite how full we all were, we still had enough room for some crack (pie). Ellie kindly brought along her rendition of the Momofuku Crack Pie as a birthday pie. And you know this is a good thing when Helen travels 40 minutes just to have a slice of pie :)

After tasting it, I know now why it is called crack pie... because it is completely addictive like crack! The pie was gooey, sticky and caramelly with a crumbly cookie crust and I practically licked my plate clean because we wouldn't want any of the crack (pie) to go to waste now, would we? Thank you so much for sharing the pie with us Ellie! (scroll down for more shout-outs)

Waterfront Grill
Shop 289 Harbourside
Darling Harbour 2000
Ph: +61 2 9280 4994

Open Monday - Friday, 7.30am-10.30pm; Saturday - Sunday, 7am-11pm

View Larger Map
Waterfront Grill on Urbanspoon

Apparently a birthday celebration doesn't happen without gifts, and thank you to all the people who got me a present even though I completely wasn't expecting anything! Your presence was more than enough :) So here are shoutouts: here I introduce to you two new penguins joining the Penguin says Feed Me team - thanks Richard and Suze for the "penguin" bank on the left and Minh for the penguin on the right which she knitted herself!

And some candy from Sticky also from Richard and Suze. I love candy!

More penguin stuff - silicone moulds this time thanks to Billy. Billy - did you know that some of the penguins are dead?! Look at the Xs on their eyes! Haha

Karen and Steph went crazy at a Japanese store and came out with a lunch bag (which says "Lunch time will make everyone happy" - it certainly makes me happy!) and a cute pink lunch box complete with spoon, fork and chopsticks hehe.

Also in the bag was a strawberry ice cube tray, cupcake cases, a cake keyring and the cutest star shaped pan which I have yet to use but I wonder if you can fry an egg in it and have only the star bit with yolk... Thanks Karen and Steph!

Howard and Linda try and fatten me up with two boxes full of goodies from The Fudge Shop which will definitely serve me well in this long and arduous study year I foresee! I've barely made a dent in the English Toffee - thanks guys!

Last but not least comes a Gordon Ramsay cookbook courtesy of Simon - your hint was duly noted ;)

Thank you to everyone who took the time to come along to celebrate my birthday. I never thought I would have met such an awesome bunch of people through food blogging and as per Simon's gift, I will cook for you all one day!


  1. oh i love those penguin silicon molds. i think maybe they're a bit tipsy rather than dead? lol. and oh that crack pie was worth travelling half-way across town. hope you had a lovely birthday :)

  2. Can you bake in the silicone penguin molds? Would love to see some penguin cakes...or penguin jellies! Happy birthday again =)

  3. Hee hee Minh's penguin is sooooo cuutteee *squeeeeeeee*
    Hope you had as much fun as we did ^^!

  4. We had so much fun at your birthday party! Glad you liked the crack pie :)

  5. Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you've had a wonderful 21st party :D

  6. mmm ribs. and how tasty were the chips! hehe hope you had a happy bday dude!

  7. Awwww I'm so depressed I missed out on this! Beeeelated happy birthday again Jacq (it's probably a month ago already) and hope you have loads of fun with your new stash of goodies! :)

  8. Hi Helen - Haha maybe you're right, I'd like to think they're not dead penguins anyway!

    Hi mademoiselle délicieuse - Hm... well it does say that they're ice cube trays so I'm assuming they're probably not ovenproof lol. Penguin jellies sound cute though! Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Hi FFichiban - Hehe I had a blast! Thanks for coming!

    Hi Ellie - So glad you had a good time! I think the crack pie made the night =D

    Hi foodwink - Thank you!

    Hi chocolatesuze - It was sort of good and bad that the chips were so good... evil carbs! I think I probably should have eaten some more chips instead of struggling to finish off my 2nd rack of ribs haha.

    Hi Trisha - Aww we all missed you! Such a shame you couldn't make it but we can do it all again another day for sure!

  9. Aren't birthday's with food bloggers awesome?

    Though you stated that "Your presence was more than enough", are you sure that it wasn't "our presents were more than enough"? :P

    Can't wait for "that day" to come :) hehe

  10. Hi Simon - Haha yes I meant "presence" I swear! "That day" will come eventually, but it's more of a matter of how long you will have to wait for "that day" =P
