
18 March 2010

Taste of Sydney 2010

I'm sure this is the millionth blog post about Taste of Sydney, but don't worry, I'll keep it short and sweet :) This is mainly a photo post, with the exception of when I simply have to rave on about how good something tastes. But we'll get to that later.

5.30pm, and the gates are opened!

The currency of Taste of Sydney is Crowns, where 1 Crown = $1.

Aria: Cured ocean trout with cucumber and horseradish - 10 crowns

Restaurant Balzac: Crispy wagyu beef with wild mushroom and truffle foam - 10 crowns

If you're wondering where the beef is, it's inside the 'spring roll' type thing. The pastry was super crunchy and the wagyu beef was nice and tender.

Restaurant Balzac: Saddle of suckling pig with garden peas and smoked bacon jus - 12 crowns

Assiette: Miso glazed Regal salmon with Japanese radish salad - 12 crowns

Berowra Waters Inn: Quail breast and truffled risotto croustillant - 12 crowns

Danks Street Depot: Organic chicken liver parfait with sweet vinegar raisins and dressed baby herbs - 10 crowns

Danks Street Depot: Beef ribs smoked in watermelon with a watermelon and avocado salad - 12 crowns

Bird Cow Fish: Braised Cape Grim beef cheek and glazed onion pie in a sour cream and puff pastry case; red wine veal jus - 12 crowns

Pie innards

This was my favourite dish of the evening, the pie crust was buttery and oh so flaky, and the beef was amazingly soft and fall-apart tender. The onions were sweet and the whole thing was just bursting with flavour. This is my kind of pie!

El Toro Loco: Paella a la Maestre - 10 crowns

This was cooked in the most gigantic paella pan I've ever seen! It had lots of seafood in it as well which was nice to see.

Guillaume at Bennelong: Wagyu beef daube with Paris mash - 12 crowns

This photo simply doesn't do the dish any justice. The hunk of meat was juicy and tender and hidden away at the bottom of the bowl was the silkiest, smoothest mash ever. And all the delicious sauce was being absorbed into the mash making it even more tasty.

Pilu at Freshwater: 'Zippulas' - Sardinian donuts with citrus sugar - 8 crowns

Jonah's at Whale Beach: Vanilla panna cotta with lavender honey and fresh pomegranate - 12 crowns

What is Taste of Sydney without sampling this jiggly little dude? Our boobie panna cotta was a droopy one but nevertheless tasty with the panna cotta being creamy and smooth and the little pops of tart pomegranate being a lovely surprise against the sweetness of the panna cotta. Not to mention it provided amusement for quite some time - if you don't know what I mean, then check this out.

A great day was spent with some awesome people sampling some delicious food from the best restaurants in Sydney. Great atmosphere, great food and great company - what more could you ask for?

Penguin says Feed Me attended Taste of Sydney courtesy of The Heart of Food and Planet Cake. All food and beverage was paid for by Penguin says Feed Me.


  1. noice pics. actually it's the 14th blog i've counted so far ;-) but it's a great one.

  2. Was such a good night all round. Must do it again soon :)

    Omg how good was that wagyu daube and all hail boobie pannacotta!

  3. I can see few dishes are the same as last yer. I always love the Balzac wagyu springroll!

  4. Great shots. I love the look of that parfait. Yum! Looks like a great time had by all. And hurrah for the famous pannacotta!

  5. I don't mind more photos at all, seeing as I missed out due to other commitments =(

  6. haha i'm pretty sure it is the billionth post but i'll be adding onto that soon, once i get through the backlog over at our end. but love the photos - so stuffed from everything! how good was that salmon!

    did you go on the friday? the suckling pig we had that day had really tough skin :( and loving the post-sun-exposure panna cotta :D

  7. Great team effort tackling all those dishes! Expect more Taste posts to come hee hee :P

  8. There were so many great dishes that I can't pick a favourite.

  9. I found the beef was a bit too much (but out of all the beef, the pie was the best), and preferred the seafood, especially the slow cooked trout, confit, capsicum and egpplant from Marque. Also, the gelato from messini (in particular the tirimisu) was sooo good - better than the gelato from italy! But at the end of the day my favourite was the free cheese and crackers :)


  10. I think mademoiselle délicieuseis probably one of the few bloggers that didn't go. Saying that, this was my first time and my post to add to the millions is yet to come :) Love your pictures. The Dank St ribs were my fave of the day, just soooo tender and delicious and the wobbly boobie panacotta was the second, you just had to jiggle it lol.

  11. Hi Simon Food Favourites - Thanks :) Haha 14th blog, that's not too bad!

    Hi Karen - I wish I had some of that wagyu beef daube with me right now... and then for dessert of course the boobie pannacotta which has equal parts amusement factor as tastyness :)

    Hi A Table for Two - I didn't know that the wagyu beef spring roll thing was recycled! (as in they had it last year) It was pretty good though but I thought the beef could've been less stringy.

    Hi Helen - Thanks! The parfait was actually the one dish that got left behind because we all thought it was very strong on the liver flavour. Looks pretty though!

    Hi mademoiselle délicieuse - Aw not to worry, there's always next year!

    Hi AY - Yes I went to the Friday evening session. The skin on my suckling pig wasn't crispy either but it wasn't too tough - maybe they didn't mean for it to be crispy? And we actually got the pannacotta like that haha, it wasn't droopy coz of the sun! Looking forward to your post :)

    Hi FFichiban - Hehe teamwork is the way to go at these things! Allows maximum sample-age!

    Hi Mark - Yes you're so right, they all had their good points!

    Hi Ying - I'm really annoyed I didn't get to try out the trout after seeing photos and hearing about how good it was! Hehe I liked the freebies too :)

    Hi Sara - Can't wait to see your post! Hehe there's definitely an element of fun when you get the boobie pannacotta!
