
10 September 2010

Pilu Kiosk, Freshwater

It's Springtime! And although the weather lately hasn't always been reflective of that, we have had a few beautiful sunny days in Sydney that remind us to pack away the heaters and big heavy coats and trade them in for air conditioners and pretty summer dresses.

The beautiful Freshwater Beach

On one of these days Sir D and I decided to go to Freshwater beach to check out Pilu Kiosk, a little cafe offshoot of the restaurant Pilu at Freshwater that serves panini, coffee and pastries.

It seemed like every man, woman and dog had ventured out today to enjoy the weather so when we entered the kiosk all the seats were taken! We headed over to the counter to place our orders while keeping our eyes peeled for anyone leaving.

Suckling pig panini - $9.50

What I was really here for was the suckling pig panini and I was so sad to see that in the space in the glass cabinet where the suckling pig panini should have been there were none! While I was lamenting my loss and trying to decide what to order instead, someone came out from the restaurant kitchen to bring out freshly prepared panini - yay! And just after we placed our order we managed to grab a table as well, so everything worked out well.

"Suckling pig", apple, mustard mayonnaise and rocket - $9.50

The panini (which is served on Sonoma bread) arrives lightly toasted and cut in half - perfect for sharing. The suckling pig panini had chunks of suckling pig, little batons of apple, celery, rocket and mustard mayonnaise. I was disappointed that there was no crackling in this, after all what do you eat suckling pig for if not for the crackling?

Chicken and avocado panini - $9.50

Although this is a much more pedestrian choice, I have to admit that I enjoyed the chicken and avocado panini more than the suckling pig. 

Chicken, avocado, mayonnaise and rocket - $9.50

This panini was very fresh, with pieces of chicken, avocado, mayonnaise and rocket. It had a nice lemon flavour as well (perhaps from the lemon juice to prevent the avocado from browning) but it gave a nice zing to the sandwich and was perfect on a warm sunny day sitting in front of the beach.

Mocha - $3.50

We also got coffees made using Single Origin coffee beans and for once they're the perfect temperature and I don't burn my tongue on it. I got a mocha which had a nice bittersweet flavour from the chocolate and the chocolate flakes on the top were a nice touch as well.

Nutella pastry - $3.50

I couldn't leave without getting something sweet so we got a Nutella pastry which came in the shape of a seashell with a dusting of icing sugar, and was warmed up for us.

Nutella pastry innards

Once I bit into the buttery pastry filled with the Nutella I instantly wished I bought two and didn't have to share! I savoured every bit of my half, and it was nice to see that they didn't skimp on the Nutella either since there was a nice thick layer of Nutella inside.

With views of the beach and a nice casual atmosphere, Pilu kiosk is a great place for a lazy weekend breakfast or lunch. It gets a little windy sometimes because it's so close to the beach but they kindly provide some blankets to combat the breeze. And since Freshwater is one of my favourite beaches in Sydney, I'll definitely be returning in summer for some more nutella pastries!

Pilu Kiosk
On the beach
Moore Road
Freshwater NSW 2096
Ph: +61 2 9938 3331
Open daily, 7am-3pm

View Larger Map


  1. lol i definitely wouldnt have shared that nutella pastry either!

  2. question is, where did all the crackling go??? Someone had to have it right if is not in the sandwich!

  3. I've eaten in the restaurant and have to agree Frehwater is a wonderful setting.

    It's interesting to hear that you enjoyed the chicken sandwich more than the suckling pig. My friends who've eaten at the kiosk didn't think the suckling pig sandwich was all that either, which is surprising considering that is what their reputation is for.

    Suckling pig is on the restaurant menu and (I think) the kiosk use the leftovers the next day for the sandwiches. The crackling was probably all eaten the night before!

    Lovely photos.

  4. absence always makes the heart grow fonder...or healthier in some cases

  5. Nutella pastry sounds like such an innocuous thing but buttery pastry and chocolaty hazelnut is a pretty special combination, I imagine - like a choc croissant?

  6. Sun, fresh air, ocean breezes and a suckling pig panini. Could life get any better?

  7. The venue looks gorgeous. I had the suckling pig sandwich at taste festival it was so good! I felt the same I was disappointed there wasn't any crackling..

  8. Suckling pig panini! But Billy's right - where is the crackling?! Gorgeous views and ooh, I like Nutella too :)

  9. Sounds really good! I'll have to try this next time we're up that way :-)

  10. Wow what a beautiful place! I've never been there but it seems like there's heaps of nice spots to go there!
