
23 December 2010

Bourke Street Bakery, Surry Hills


Pastry has a funny way of cheering you up even on the worst of days. Even though I had to wait 30 mins for a bus from Sydney Uni to Surry Hills, and walk for 40 mins back to the city since I got sick of waiting for another bus, once I sank my teeth into the sweet and savoury pastries from Bourke Street Bakery I quickly forgot all about it.

Beef brisket pie - $5.30

I met up with Sir D in the park for a late lunch break and we set up our own little pastry picnic on the grass. I took a bite out of the beef brisket pie and my mouth was filled with tender beef and a thick, flavoursome gravy. Needless to say, the pastry was oh so buttery and it flaked everywhere - a sign of good pastry!

(L-R) Pork & fennel and Lamb & harissa sausage rolls - $4.50 each

This was also the first time I tried the sausage rolls and now I get why people rave about them! These aren't your usual plastic-wrapped sausage rolls with the tough who-knows-what sausage inside. These have the same buttery, flaky puff pastry as the pie with a soft and moreish filling. Both were delicious but I preferred the lamb and harissa sausage roll.

(from top) Flourless chocolate cake - $4.50, Praline twist - $3, Lemon tart - $4.40

It wouldn't be a visit to a bakery without some sweets, and I got a box of them to share :) The praline twist was the best value for money out of all of them since it was the largest and also the cheapest! This is definitely one for sharing since it's super sticky and sugary,  I'm sure eating the whole thing will give you a major sugar high (not that there's anything wrong with that...)

I strayed away from my usual strawberry vanilla brulee tart and got a lemon tart instead. I love how dark the pastry shells are baked which adds a tiny hint of bitterness. The lemon curd centre is creamy and zingy and I was sad that the tart was so small. Yes, I know it's packed full of sugar and butter but more I say! More!!

We finished with the slice of flourless chocolate cake. I'm used to flourless cakes being quite moist and fudgey but this one took me by surprise - it was super light and fluffy and I don't think I would have even noticed it was flourless had I not known before. Sir D prefers the fudgey type so I gladly took the rest of the slice for myself. And after all that I had completely forgotten about my grumpy-ness and was in the best of moods. Who wouldn't be after all of those pastries and cakes?

633 Bourke Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Ph: +61 2 9699 1011
Open Monday to Friday, 7am-6pm; Saturday and Sunday, 8am-5pm

Bourke Street Bakery on Urbanspoon


  1. You weren't waiting for the 352 by any chance? It's a great bus...when it arrives. I haven't been to Bourke St Bakery yet, but its on my hit list. I'm keen to try the Lamb & Harissa sausage rolls.

  2. Haha, more flourless chocolate cake to have to yourself then!

  3. You certainly know how to picnic in style!

  4. I am with SIr D, I prefer the fudgey type flour choc cake. But surprise u didnt get the ginger brulee tart, my favourite! :) but i can do with one of thoe sausage roll now....

  5. Never try the savoury from here,but the beef pie from your post is damn good. will try next time. Cheer up abt the bus wait, my train is as worse =)

  6. BSB is worth the trip. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family, Jacq!

  7. I am currently drooling over the beef pie shot!!! Merry Christmas x

  8. I'll have to visit this place again and really try out the delicious pastries!

  9. Hi MelbaToast - Hmm I don't remember which bus it was but I think it came every 30 mins. You definitely have to make it to BSB soon, the pastry is amazing!

    Hi mademoiselle delicieuse - Yay for more cake :)

    Hi Richard - Hehe the food is what makes a good picnic! As well as the company of course :)

    Hi billy - To be honest I think I prefer the fudgey type too but if there's cake I'm not going to pass it up hehe. I'm not really a big fan of ginger but I think one of these days I will have to try the ginger brulee tart just because everyone raves about it!

    Hi Wendy - lol I'm just rather impatient at waiting for public transport to arrive =P Definitely try the savoury sausage rolls from Bourke Street next time you're there!

    Hi Ellie - Oh yes it's definitely worth the trip! And all the walking hopefully means I burn off the calories I consume too! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season too :)

    Hi Sara - hehe nothing quite like a good ol' meat pie, especially when it's from Bourke Street Bakery! Hope you had a fantastic Christmas too!

    Hi Maria - Oh you have to go, you won't regret it I'm sure!
