
8 December 2010

Clipper Cafe, Glebe

During my first couple of years at Sydney Uni, a 2 hour break between classes meant a visit  to King St in Newtown for $6 Thai. It was cheap and it was filling, but I found myself going there less and less especially in my third and fourth years at uni. Perhaps my palate became more discerning, or perhaps I just got sick of eating the same pad thai and pad see ew day in and day out, but I ventured away from the Thai places in Newtown and into the cafes on Glebe Point Road.

I stumbled into Clipper Cafe one day with its cool bicycle wall hangings and relaxed vibe. It was no less busy than my usual Thai haunts in Newtown but once seated I felt like I could sit there all day sipping coffee and tapping away on my laptop (as some people were doing).

Berry Smoothie - $5.00

Today I was here with Sir D and we settled on ordering one savoury and one sweet item for lunch. While we waited for the food to arrive I ordered a berry smoothie which was pretty in pink and sufficiently sweet with honey.

Baked eggs with napoli, chorizo, spinach and fetta with herb toast - $12.00

It seemed like baked eggs was their specialty since they had several types of baked eggs on the menu. We chose the baked eggs with napoli sauce, chorizo, spinach and fetta with herb toast. The toast was buttered and crunchy and the perfect base for the chunky tomato sauce and the slices of spicy chorizo. The eggs were a little firmer than I prefer but the servings were large and I don't think I would have been able to finish this on my own!

Organic flour pancakes with strawberries, banana and ricotta with maple syrup - $12.00

Our sweet dish was the organic flour pancakes with strawberries, banana and ricotta which Queen Chu had recommended to me. These pancakes didn't disappoint - they were light and fluffy and perfect for soaking up the maple syrup. I was expecting the ricotta to be inside the pancakes but in fact it was a dollop of ricotta cheese on top of the stack which added a pleasant creaminess to the pancakes. And I think the fruit was just there to make me feel better about eating pancakes for lunch!

The atmosphere at the cafe was so chilled and I must have been enjoying my lunch too much because I realised I was going to be late. I ran back to uni but I was still late for my class - it was completely worth it for those pancakes though! Next time I'll have to make sure I have a longer break between classes so I can take my own sweet time :)

Clipper Cafe
16 Glebe Point Road
Glebe NSW 2037
Open 7 days, 6am-6pm

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Clipper Cafe on Urbanspoon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really like the Clipper Cafe too. A highlight in (what I find) an otherwise disappointing range of eateries on Glebe Point Road.

    Have you tried the bakery next door? It looks really good, but I haven't tried anything from there yet.

  3. Nothing wrong with being late to uni ;) at least you showed up!

  4. I love the little crown of strawberries on top of your pancakes, and yes, fruit added to any dish makes it virtuous :)

  5. Old uni haunts are great aren't they? So many memories. Not surprisingly, our favourite haunt was Thai too - but over near UNSW.

  6. If you are at Usyd again next year I will join you for more eateries in Glebe Point Road! Oh I miss $6 thai lunches

  7. paaaancakes! i want paaaaancakes!

  8. delicious food for reasonable prices? damn you, uni students...

  9. I always order my berry smoothies with a squeeze of honey - some cafes give me a strange look when I make this request!

    (And I'm glad to come across a correct spelling of palate.)

  10. I can't believe I only discovered this place after I changed campus -___- service can b on and off but food is gooodddss

  11. Oh how I miss $6 thai and uni and the 2 hour mid-day breaks!
    Mind you, I mostly never made it back to my afternoon lectures -
    Somehow I would end up getting distracted in Glebe and Newtown too!
    My favorite cafe in glebe burnt down not long ago, and i;ve been meaning to try this place for a while now!
    The pancakes look to die for!

  12. Hi Richard - I have tried the bakery next door, it's like an extra dose of sugar after a meal at Clipper! I haven't tried many items from there but I love the palmiers, they're massive and only $3!

    Hi Fiona - Haha yeah I think it may have been the last lecture where they tell you all the exam info so I thought I'd better show up so I don't miss out any pointers!

    Hi Helen - If there's fruit in a dessert, it means it's healthy! =D

    Hi Forager - I'll be there are some awesome eateries on Anzac Pde near UNSW! I've never had a chance to check it out though

    Hi Phuoc - Aw so sad I won't be able to join you next year! But let me know if you find any gems =D

    Hi chocolatesuze - I need some of your butterscotch sauce to go with my pancakes!

    Hi the ninja - haha I hear that $6 Thai in Newtown is no longer $6....

    Hi mademoiselle delicieuse - Berry smoothies with honey don't sound strange to me at all... what's with the strange looks?

    Hi FFichiban - Yeah I only discovered it in my final year! Perhaps I'll go there for lunch after graduation.... hehe

    Hi Gianna - Newtown has some pretty awesome places to eat too, and I gotta admit the shops are quite distracting and I lose track of time!
