
2 March 2011


Welcome to the new home of Penguin says Feed Me! My new domain and hosting is actually a birthday gift from my cousin and his fiancée and though it's been a steep learning curve, it's very exciting to have a web space I can call my own :) The move from Blogger to Wordpress was a bit of a hassle (although do-able in the end) and caused me to have a few "omg I broke my blog!" moments. It's taken me a week but hopefully everything works now - if anyone finds any problems with the site please let me know!

Vanilla cupcake from My Little Cupcake - $3.70

Anyway, I celebrated my birthday last week with a weekend packed full of eating. Sir D's birthday gift to me was to fatten me up take me to places where I wanted to eat. And yes, a large proportion turned out to be sugar-laden treats but it's my birthday so it's ok, right? We started our tour at My Little Cupcake in Neutral Bay which (in my opinion) has the best cupcakes in Sydney! Cupcakes on Pitt and the Cupcake Bakery have nothing on these guys! Having had their vanilla cupcakes before, I knew that the cake would be perfectly light and oh-so-buttery with a frosting of luscious buttercream.

Chocolate cupcake from My Little Cupcake - $3.70

We also tried a chocolate one which was equally as amazing with a rich chocolate flavour and a slightly denser cake than the vanilla.

Scampi sushi at Ju-rin - $6.90 per piece (includes scampi miso soup, not pictured)

Lunchtime rolled around and I requested sushi so Sir D took me to Ju-rin in Crows Nest to indulge in some fresh sashimi and scampi sushi. They also use the scampi head and make you a bowl of miso soup with it - no wastage!

Raspberry Cloud from Adriano Zumbo Patissier - $9
A trip to Adriano Zumbo was in order and since they opened their new store in Manly, I no longer need to cross the Bridge for my macaron fix! So it was a hot day and the cakes started to get a little droopy by the time we got home but they were still delicious nonetheless. I was drawn to the pretty colours of the Raspberry Cloud and after tasting it,  it's become my favourite Zumbo cake ever! It had perfect balance between the slightly tart raspberries and the sweet meringue on the outside and underneath the pretty exterior was a raspberry yoghurt mousse and raspberry compote.

Cob & Co. from Adriano Zumbo Patissier - $9

Sir D chose the Cob & Co. which was a cute corn on the cob cake that had elements of corn and popcorn and all sorts of corny goodness! The "corn" had a marshmallow coating with spiky blobs of corn meringue which gave it a pleasant sweetness.

Cob & Co. innards

Inside there was corn cream and corn mousse encasing a mango and lime gel which gave it a bit of tang, and Sir D's favourite component was the bottom layer of crunchy popcorn crunch. It's not a trip to Adriano Zumbo without some macarons (we got cinnamon and milo) but I er, forgot to take a photo before I eated them.

Mountains of bacon, sausages, haloumi, tomatoes and hash browns at Kazbah

Eggs and turkish toast at Kazbah

The next day I rounded up a group of my bestest best friends and we stuffed ourselves silly at Kazbah in Top Ryde with their breakfast banquet ($25pp). Originally I wasn't going to blog about this but even my friends were taking photos of the food so I happily followed. Four courses of delicious breakfast foods starting with porridge, cous cous and rice pudding, then a pumpkin and lamb tagine, then platters of eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato, hash browns, haloumi, mushrooms, spinach, beans and finally a pancake and french toast to finish.

Banana pancake at Kazbah

French toast with figs at Kazbah
And of course a birthday isn't complete without cake. This year I got a lemon meringue cake from Sweetness the Patisserie in Epping which was layers of lemon chiffon cake sandwiching some lemon cream and covered with a swirly meringue and lemon zest.

Lemon meringue cake from Sweetness the Patisserie

Cake cutting time!

The cake tasted amazing and was just like a lemon meringue pie (without the pie crust of course). The chiffon cake was super light and lemony and even though we were all full from the breakfast banquet, everyone still managed to fit in one extra piece of cake :)

My Little Cupcake
62 Ben Boyd Road
Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Ph: +61 2 9909 3908
Open Tuesday to Friday, 9am - 5pm; Saturday, 10am - 5pm

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316 Pacific Highway
Crows Nest NSW 2065
Ph: +61 2 9966 5811
Open 7 days, 12pm - 2.30pm and 6pm - 11pm

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Adriano Zumbo
Shop 1a/40 The East Esplanade (entry via Wentworth Ave)
Manly NSW 2095
Ph: +61 2 9810 7318

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Adriano Zumbo on Urbanspoon

Kazbah Top Ryde
La Piazza
Top Ryde City Shopping Centre
Cnr Devlin St & Blaxland Rd
Ryde NSW 2112
Ph: +61 2 9555 7067
Open 7 days from 8am

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Kazbah Top Ryde on Urbanspoon

Sweetness the Patisserie
38 Oxford Street
Epping NSW 2121
Ph: +61 2 9869 3800
Monday - Wednesday and Friday 8.30am-5.30pm
Thursday 8.30am-8pm
Saturday 9am-5pm

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Sweetness The Patisserie on Urbanspoon


  1. wooooo that lemon meringue cake looks delicious! happy birthday jacq!

  2. All those lovely birthday treats!!! They all looked great - The Lemon Meringue Cake looks delicious - I love lemon!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  3. Happy birthday Jacq! D certainly knows the way to your heart :D

  4. Ooohhh, lemony lemony goodness! Of course the husband would argue that Zumbo's corny goodness is more to his liking =p And omg, SO MUCH food at Kazbah *faint*

    Happy birthday, my penguin friend!

  5. Happy birthday Jacq! You had a great time celebrating your birthday and I am drooling over the meringue cake!

  6. Ok, this is such an awesome idea for a birthday that I'm going to store it away and get my hubby to treat me to food, food, food next year. Happy birthday!

  7. WOWWW!! Looks like an amazing way to celebrate your birthday!! And omg, it only took you 1 week to move, it took me about 3 months lol. Nice work ;)

  8. Happy birthday~
    Looks like you had a wonderful time celebrating.

  9. Happy birthday! The Adriano Zumbo Cob and Co looks and sounds amazing!

  10. I am completely taken by everything here. I want to taste that lemon chiffon cake and steal its secrets, and experience that breakfast buffet myself. It all looks amazing! Happy Birthday!!

  11. Yay happy birthday JACQ and yay for the new domain! Welcome to wordpress ;)

  12. Happy birthday and congrats on the new domain! The lemon meringue cake looks and sounds amazing!

  13. Happy Birthday Jacq! Aww what a wonderful birthday feast! Feeling full just looking at everything =D Birthdays are definately an excuse to indulge ;) Why wouldn't you?

  14. Happy birthday Jacq, what a lot of cakes! Delicious cakes :)

    Congrats on the new domain, looking great.

  15. Oh boy, I misread that first time around as "my cousin and fiance." Had me worried there for a minute.

  16. A feast and a half for the birthday girl, wow! Happy belated J!

  17. Hi chocolatesuze - Thanks! The cake was awesome!

    Hi Cate - Yes I felt quite special that weekend! Nothing better than a food-filled weekend to celebrate getting a year older :)

    Hi Karen - I think everyone knows that food is the way to my heart now haha

    Hi mademoiselle délicieuse - Haha looking back I'm not quite sure how I managed to fit in all of that food! Is the husband a big fan of corn in desserts?

    Hi Ellie - Thanks! I was actually wondering for quite a while whether anyone made lemon meringue cakes and I found one at Sweetness!

    Hi MelbaToast - Hehe I had to drop a few hints to Sir D but we went everywhere on my list - cake, sushi, and zumbo! and then more food the next day!

    Hi Betty - There were many late late nights during that 1 week I tell you! There's still little things that I haven't got around to yet but most of it is there so I'm happy!

    Hi Lil - Thanks so much!

    Hi Karen - It was definitely an interesting cake, sweet but salty in a popcorny way at the same time!

    Hi Celeste - If/When you come to Sydney make sure you go and visit Kazbah then, it's definitely worth the trip!

    Hi Julie - Hehe it's nice to be part of the wordpress family :) Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    Hi Helen - Thanks Helen! I'm considering trying to recreate the cake myself but I don't think I'd ever be able to get my chiffon cake as fluffy as theirs!

    Hi angie - Hahaha yes I have to agree with you there but lately it seems like I've been making lots of excuses to indulge! Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, and now Easter - I think it's time I went on a diet! lol

    Hi Sara - Thanks Sara! What kind of birthday would it be without a little (or a lot) of cake? ;)

    Hi Susan - LOL that would be a bit strange.......

    Hi joey - Thanks! I think I'm going to celebrate every birthday like this now... just watch my waistline balloon as the years go by lol
