
11 March 2011

Taste of Sydney 2011

Yes, it's time for Taste of Sydney again! I was lucky enough to win a double pass to Taste of Sydney this year - woohoo for competitions! This is the place to be to sample dishes from Sydney's finest restaurants, try some food and drink from the exhibitors and also do a bit of celebrity-chef spotting. It's always good to go with a bunch of people so you can share dishes and be hand models for each other hehe.

Assiette: Crispy pork belly, cashew nut caramel, watermelon and mint - 12 Crowns

The setup is much the same as last year with the restaurants around the perimeter of the outdoor venue and the exhibitors scattered around the edges and in the centre.

Bilson's and Number One Wine Bar: Chicken liver parfait with brioche and mesclun salad - 8 Crowns
The currency for the restaurant dishes is in Crowns where 1 Crown = $1 and the dishes range from 8-12 Crowns. You can purchase Crowns in books for $30 or $10 from the Crown Stands or from the roaming sellers (look for the bright pink shirts!). The exhibitors accept cash as well as Crowns and it's a good way of using up any leftover.

L'etoile: French country style pâté with sourdough bread

Berowra Waters Inn and Ad Lib Bistro: Slow cooked fillet of ocean trout, 'French onion soup' puree, peppered oxtail 'croustillant' - 12 Crowns

The slow cooked fillet of ocean trout at Berowra Waters Inn and Ad Lib Bistro was without a doubt one of my favourite dishes of the night. It was succulent and though it looked cooked through, it had the texture of rare fish and was an absolute pleasure to eat. The oxtail croustillant was amazing with a super crisp pastry shell encasing rich oxtail meat and accompanied by a puree of caramelised onions.

L'etoile: Slow cooked shoulder of lamb, smoked potato puree and jus - 12 Crowns

Bird Cow Fish: Boned and rolled roasted chicken stuffed with mushroom duxelle, and pommes puree - 12 Crowsn

Bird Cow Fish put up an amazing beef cheek pie last year and this year they had extraordinarily tender slices of boned and rolled roasted chicken. The chicken was topped with some oyster mushrooms and served alongside a creamy smooth potato puree.

Aperitif: Paella a la Maestre - 12 Crowns

If this dish looks a little familiar it's because it's the same as the one from last year! El Toro Loco is no more and now Miguel Maestre is co-owner/chef of Aperitif and has brought his Spanish influences with him.

Bird Cow Fish: Tiramisu roulade with caramel sauce - 8 Crowns

Raspberry bavarois - 8 Crowns

One of the desserts I was looking forward to trying was the Dark chocolate Snickers at Four in Hand. It was gooey and chocolately with an almost mousse-like texture though personally I could have done with a little bit more peanut.

Four in Hand: Dark chocolate Snickers - 8 Crowns

Danks Street Depot and Cotton Duck: Chocolate and rhubarb tart with rhubarb cream, chocolate mint and tonka bean - 10 Crowns

Aside from the restaurant stalls there are sweet things to be had elsewhere. There are several places selling ice cream (including Gelato Messina) but I had my eye on the creme brulee at Victor Churchill. Yes, not only do they do smallgoods and cured meats but they also have a fully stocked dessert cabinet!

Victor Churchill: Creme brulee - 8 Crowns (or $8)

The creme brulee had a dark burnished top with a thin but sufficient toffee layer on top. Underneath was a creamy custard strong on vanilla and even though I took this back home with me for later I couldn't help digging into it as soon as I got home!

Berowra Waters Inn and Ad Lib Bistro: Fromart raw milk alpage cheese, sauvignon blanc poached dapple, beetroot oil - 10 Crowns

For the cheese lovers there are stalls around offering samples of cheese for a few Crowns and Berowra Waters Inn and Ad Lib also offer a cheese dish.

Sweetness the Patisserie: Raspberry and passionfruit marshmallows - $8

And I couldn't leave without getting myself a packet of marshmallows from Sweetness the Patisserie! Seriously these marshmallows are the best, like pillows of marshmallowy heaven!

Taste of Sydney runs from 10th - 13th March 2011 in Centennial Park, with 5 more sessions running Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon, and Friday and Saturday night. If you haven't got tickets already you can still purchase them at the door. See the Taste of Sydney website for more details.


  1. I was waiting for the first TOS post with anticipation, and I am not disappointed. Lovely pics, a great selection of dishes, but no celebrity chef photos? LOL

    The Assiette dish looks exactly like one they would have in their degustation, whereas others played it more safe, although the Ad Lib/Berowra Waters Inn croustillant looks divine. :-)

    A shame the Four In Hand Snickers dessert wasn't the best but it was probably restricted by the serving ware. At the restaurant the components are spread out over a rectangular plate but this one is all in a bowl.

    I didn't realise Sweetness The Patiserrie was there either. One of my friends who is not a foodie absolutely hates their marshmallows; I bought him a packet and he thought they were off! So he went to Coles to buy a pack of cheap ones instead! LOL

  2. mmm the chicken liver parfait was brilliant! teehee rest of the night was a blur

  3. i thought the Dark chocolate Snickers could have done with some more peanuts too to make it extra special. great post :-)

  4. ohhhh the servings look much bigger than i imagined to be! definitely gonna try out the pork belly! it looks so god smacking delicious

  5. Yum! I can't wait for tomorrow night and I, too, have the chicken liver parfait marked for consumption =D

  6. Ooooh, tossing up between the parfait and the pate.....!
    Great pics - and great selection of dishes! So many!

  7. mmmh the creme bruleeee... i definately want to try that..

    and sweetness .. omg thats like 5 minutes away from me.. i know where im going tomorw.

    thanks for the tip jacqi.

  8. Nice to see some of the dishes that I just couldn't fit in. Josh & I ended up not having any desserts due to full tums :(

  9. Great Photos Jacq! so lovely to have run into you, I definitely missed out on most of the delicious dishes you tried so I'm going to have to add it to the 'to eat' list tomorrow!

  10. I thought the paella tasted familiar. Tasted exactly as I remembered it from last year.

    Would have loved to try the chicken liver parfait. Maybe next year...

  11. Awww I won tickets to go too but am making myself sad reading everyone's round ups because I couldn't go in the end. Was hoping to get some goodies from Sweetness because they're too far from me. Was given some of their caramels the Christmas before last from work and it was awesome.

  12. I won't be a hand model but I do legs and identity-concealing products

  13. Hi joey - omg what a travesty that your friend didn't like the marshmallows from sweetness! and no celebrity chef photos from me, I feel like a stalker if I take paparazzi shots of them and I don't want to ask for a photo with them either lol

    Hi chocolatesuze - haha too many drinks for you! at least you didn't reach your sleepy stage =P

    Hi Simon Food Favourites - yeah it's a bit of a shame because I was really looking forward to the Snickers-y taste but it needed more peanuts :(

    Hi sugarpuffi - some of the servings were quite generous! I was pretty full by the end of the night

    Hi mademoiselle delicieuse - hehe I had lots of dishes shortlisted but not enough monies to try them all!

    Hi Tina - I didn't actually try the pate but the parfait was so light and smooth!

    Hi Dolly - the creme brulee was awesome! and you're lucky to live so close to Sweetness, you can get marshmallows all the time!

    Hi Sara - hehe desserts are always a priority for me (I think in this case I had dessert before anything else lol!)

    Hi Gianna - lucky you getting to go twice! make sure you eat up a storm and have a little nap in the park afterwards! =P

    Hi Simon - I'm surprised that they didn't try to change up the paella at least a little bit but I guess the huge paella pans always manage to draw a bit of a crowd.

    Hi angie - oh no sadness! hopefully you'll get to go next year!

    Hi the ninja - if I ever need a leg model I'll be sure to call upon you!
