
30 April 2012

Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding)

Now that the weather is getting cooler here in Sydney, I'm starting to crave warm, comforting desserts. Rather than churning out ice creams and other chilled sweets (though I'll still eat them!), I'm thinking crumbles, pies and warm puddings.

Sir D was actually the one who introduced rice pudding to me, since I never ate it as a child. He craved rice pudding one chilly night so we decided to have a go at making it ourselves rather than settling for the canned stuff.

This rice pudding is super easy to make and only requires a few ingredients. You do need a bit of patience to cook it though as the rice pudding needs to be constantly stirred while it's on the heat, but it's definitely worth the time.

We've tried a couple of rice pudding recipes, but this one is our favourite because the rice doesn't become too gluggy, and it is just the right amount of sweetness for me. I like mine warm with a generous sprinkling of ground cinnamon over the top for some extra spice. It's pure comfort food and perfect for the chilly weather to come!

Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding)
Makes about 8 servings, adapted from this recipe

250g medium grain rice
1.25L (5 cups) full cream milk
1 cinnamon stick
1 x 395g can sweetened condensed milk
Ground cinnamon

1. Heat milk with cinnamon stick and bring to the boil. Add the rice, and stir constantly over low heat until rice is half cooked.

2. Add the condensed milk and continue stirring until rice is cooked. Test by squashing a rice grain. Spoon into individual serving dishes and dust with ground cinnamon.


  1. In the UK rice pudding is such an institution we get special 'pudding rice'. I have to admit I'm not quite sure what makes it different, but it's the packet I buy anyway! My grandmother makes a rice pudding every single week.

  2. Such a beautiful recipe. I love rice pudding :)

  3. I only had rice pudding for the first time last month and i had it deep fried in a patty. Hahaha. Do need to try the regular rice pudding..

  4. it's rice pudding season! i didnt know how simple it is to make one until today!

  5. wow, im so surprised its that simple to make! definitely want to try and make this!

  6. Great recipe. I loooooove rice pudding. I grew up a few hours from the Mexican border and my friends' mothers would make Mexican rice pudding with lots of cinnamon. It reminds me of horchata, a cinnamon rice drink. Thanks for posting!

  7. That is my favourite dessert

  8. all it takes is 2 steps to make rice pudding? seriously?? i never knew! it always sounds way more complex than that!

  9. oh no, somehow this seems too coincidental! i promised my sis recently that i would make her rice pudding and she pestered me for a while until i said i would.. but never did ^^" guess i should get my act together - didn't realise it was so simple to make :)

  10. Oh I love rice pudding, bring on winter. Probably the only reason to bring on winter ;P

  11. Thank you for the recipe. I don't think I've actually ever tried rice pudding. Rice porridge, sure. On christmas (it's a tradition).

  12. I couldn't find any cinnamon sticks at my local Coles so I substituted it for a Vanilla bean. Worked a treat!!

  13. Great recipe! I love making this, but usually end up burning it =P

    Have you tried using nutmeg with the cinnamon? Double-yum!

  14. I love a good rice pudding in winter. so glad I found this recipe on your blog, Jacq! Book marking it!

  15. This recipe is really yummy! I made it for a fiesta in my Spanish class. However, it takes a LONG time, at least it did for me. Almost half an hour for the milk to boil and then another hour of stirring before the rice cooked all the way through. So be prepared. That said, it's delicious!
