
31 December 2012

2012 Roundup

First of all, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I mentioned in my previous post that I was hosting a Christmas meal at my place, so here's a few snaps of some of the food that was devoured.

Clockwise from top left: Prawn, mango and avocado salad (made by mother dearest); Roast prime rib of beef with glazed carrots and beans; Chocolate cherry pavlova; Strawberry and mint tiramisu

It's hard to believe that we're already at the end of another year. At the start of 2012, I remember thinking how long this year was going to be, but looking back now, it feels like it's flown by. I've finished off my Masters degree, learned to ski and fell in love with it, and bought our first car (and learned to drive manual!). It's been a busy year so at times this blog got a little neglected, but that doesn't mean there wasn't plenty of delicious food!
Here's a roundup of some of my favourite eats of 2012:

Clockwise from top left: Cheong fun from Bo Innovation; BBQ pork buns from Tim Ho Wan; Wonton noodles from Chee Kei; Egg waffles

Early in 2012, I travelled to Hong Kong and ate up a storm! It was the first time I'd been there since starting the blog so I researched where I wanted to eat beforehand. We went to Michelin-starred restaurants like Bo Innovation and dim-sum heaven Tim Ho Wan, indulged in my favourite street food snack egg waffles, and ate Hong Kong staples like wonton noodles. I already can't wait for my next visit!

Clockwise from top left: Sashimi from Ocean Room; Butter poached snapper from Yoshii; Sushi from At Restaurant; Wagyu beef from Kabuki Shoroku

It's no secret that I love Japanese food, and I've certainly eaten my fair share of it during this past year! I love raw fish, and some of my favourites from 2012 have been the gorgeous sashimi tasting platter I sampled at the Sushi and Sashimi Masterclass at Ocean Room, and the sushi at my new local favourite, At Restaurant in Crows Nest. But it's not just about the raw food - there was also some wonderfully delicate poached fish at Yoshii and fun times cooking my own wagyu beef on a hot rock at Kabuki Shoroku.

Clockwise from top left: Best ever chocolate chip cookies; Chicken and bacon sausage rolls; Rice pudding; Mojito cupcakes

A year isn't complete without a few recipes featured on the blog for good measure. One of my favourite recipes of the year has to be these choc chip cookies, which in fact are probably more chocolate than cookie - and that's why they're so good!

Clockwise from top left: Akamaru shinaji from Ippudo; Tonkotsu ramen from Ramen Genki; Zundo Black from Ramen Zundo; Ox tongue udon from Ju-rin

I've always loved noodles, and 2012 was kind of like Year of the Ramen for me. This is because Sir D miraculously started to enjoy ramen (I know right, who on earth would not like ramen??) Ippudo of course is all the rage right now, and probably have the best ramen broth I've had to date. Ramen Genki in Artarmon do a pretty good tonkotsu ramen - and it's where we head on cold winter nights when no one feels like cooking. Sir D is a big fan of Ramen Zundo especially for its fatty slices of chashu. And I had to stick in a photo of my favourite ox tongue udon from Ju-rin in Crows Nest, which is probably one of my favourite dishes ever from there.

Beef short rib from Chophouse; Pie, Boston baked beans and kumera mash from The Pie Tin; Macarons from Cafe Cre Asion; Carne asada fries from Chica Bonita

Last but not least are some of the most memorable foods I've had the pleasure of eating this year. The carne asada fries from Chica Bonita are nothing short of amazing - you really can't go wrong with shoestring fries, pieces of steak, melted cheese, salsa and guacamole. Especially when it's shared between friends who are digging in with as much gusto as yourself!

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has following my ramblings here or through Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! This year has been a blast but I'm ready for the new year which will hopefully be just as fun and exciting, especially since I'm starting a new job. I hope everyone has a fabulous time celebrating the new year. Bring on 2013!


  1. You've had an awesome year Jacq and can I just say I've stalked you all the way (scary, I know). You are one of the ones who inspire me and I'm happy to let that be known. Have a great time closing off 2012 and I'll definitely catch you around in 2013. xo

  2. Happy new year Jacq! Looks like you had a fab year, can't wait for more to come in 2013! whoooo

  3. Happy New Year to u! I really love your blog, and it seems like you've been having a delicious year! :)

  4. Congrats on all you achievements this year. Wishing you all the best for 2013. See you in the new year!

  5. Such a great year with delicousness all round :) Happy New Year!

  6. time flies! Here to another delicious year!!!!

  7. Year of the Ramen has got to be a delicious year! I think I have to have one of those too! A very happy 2013 to you!

  8. your christmas feast looks amazing! love the colour on that roast :D

    hehe hope you had a wonderful christmas and new years celebration! xx

  9. woooot happy new year man!! here's to an even more delicious 2013!

  10. Time flies way too quickly. What a great year and wishing you a fab 2013.
