
13 March 2013

Lemon Lime & Bitters Cupcakes

I think I do my best work when I'm baking for a particular person. Baking for someone motivates me to think of something that the recipient will really enjoy, and ways that I can incorporate that into my food.

And that is how these lemon, lime and bitters cupcakes were born. A combination of fresh citrussy flavours, bitters and lemonade, it is one of JC's go-to drinks whenever we go out. So it felt rather fitting to make these cupcakes for her surprise party as we bade her farewell to Victoria (where she is studying to be a doctor for the next 4 years!)

The recipe is very similar to the Mojito Cupcakes I've made previously, but tweaked a little bit to incorporate the flavours of lemon, lime and bitters. The cupcake is drizzled with a lemon and lime syrup, while the bitters flavour is part of the buttercream, which also gives it a lovely blushing pink colour. These were a hit at the party - and probably one of my favourite cupcakes to date!

Lemon Lime & Bitters Cupcakes
Makes 12 standard or 24 mini cupcakes

For the cupcakes
110g butter
150g icing sugar
2 eggs
210g flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
120ml buttermilk or 120ml milk with a squeeze of lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract

For the syrup
100g caster sugar
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp lime juice
zest of 1 lime
zest of 1 lemon

For the icing
100g butter, softened
190g icing sugar
about 2 tbsp bitters, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 180ÂșC. Line cupcake tin with cases. Cream butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, until well combined

2. Add dry ingredients (flour, baking powder and salt) to the butter mixture in 3 additions, alternating with the wet ingredients (buttermilk and vanilla). Mix with a spatula until just combined.

3. Pour the batter into the cupcake cases and bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and springy to the touch. Allow to cool.

4. While waiting for the cupcakes to cool, prepare the syrup by bringing the water and sugar to the boil in a small saucepan. When the sugar has dissolved, remove from the heat and add the citrus juices and zest. Allow the zest to steep for 5 minutes before straining.

5. When the cupcakes are cool, use a knife to cut the tops off the cupcakes and set aside. Using a spoon, drizzle the syrup evenly into the cupcakes until it has all been absorbed. Replace the tops back on top of the cupcake. (Note: I found it best to put the top next to the cupcake that you cut it off so you can replace it back onto the correct cupcake easily.)

6. Prepare the icing by creaming the butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Add the bitters to taste and mix until well-combined. Place the icing into a piping bag and pipe onto cupcakes.


  1. OH I LOVE THE SOUND OF THESE BABIES!! LLB is my favourite go to drink at restaurants because I'm not the biggest fan of alochol. I have to give these a try. Love love love your creation jacq! Love. It!

  2. I love LLB, these babies must be delicious in a CUP..... cake that is. :P

  3. yum what a delicious cupcakeee! nice piping skills too :)

  4. YUM! I can imagine how incredible these would be already!

  5. Best. Cupcakes. Ever.

    Enough said.

  6. I love lemon lime bitters!! Can't believe you managed to make them into cupcakes hehe. They look awesome!!

  7. What an amazing flavour combo Jacq! I wouldn't mind serving up these at my next gathering.

  8. yummmm i looooove lemon lime bitters so these cupcakes sound awesome!

  9. OMG LLB is my favourite drink ever!! I can't believe you've turned these into cupcakes. I can't wait to try and make them! xx

  10. Such pretty cupcakes and I LOVE LLB!! It is soooooo refreshing after a long day, i can imagine just how good these cupcakes will be.

  11. All the cool kids drink LLBs don't they? lol. Now they can eat them too!

  12. wooow kinda salivating right now. definitely making these on the weekend! :D

  13. Love lemon, lime and bitters on a hot summer day. These cup cakes are just so cute and sound delicious.

  14. Just tried making these! They were super yum! Thanks for sharing :D

  15. I think the syrup is missing the amount of water needed? Having said that I made these and the mojitos for Melbourne Cup(cake) Day, and they went down very well. Thank you!

  16. Hi Isn - Thanks for your comment, and thanks for picking up that there wasn't any water specified in the recipe - should be all fixed now! I'm glad that the recipe worked out for you and that it was a success!

  17. […] And the year wouldn’t be complete without a bunch of sweets thrown in too. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or just a snack – anytime is good for a sweet treat or two! Some of my favourites were these some awesome waffles for brunch at Orto Trading Co, a cute popsicle dessert from 4Fourteen, an afternoon snack from Luxbite in Melbourne, and some cakes of my own creation as well including these Magnolia Bakery Red Velvet Cupcakes and my Lemon Lime and Bitters cupcakes. […]
