
16 June 2014

The Grounds of Alexandria

It's taken me a while to get to the Grounds of Alexandria. I'd heard about the animals and the pretty surroundings as well as the food, but I'd also heard about hour-long queues for a weekend lunch which kind of put me off. We decided to wait until the hype died down to pay them a visit.

The (very pretty) Grounds of Alexandria

Well, it turns out that the hype never really did die down, and on the Friday lunch we visited it was as busy as ever. There was still a waiting list for a table, but luckily there are plenty of things around the Grounds to keep us occupied while we wait.

Kevin Bacon! And Bradley the sheep!

We visit Kevin Bacon the pig and Bradley the sheep in their pen at the back, which they share with some chickens. It's a hot day when we visit so Kevin Bacon cools down by chilling out in the water bowl.

Kevin Bacon's house

Kevin Bacon cooling down on a hot day

There's also plenty of outdoor food carts with breads, sweet and savoury pastries, juices and coffee for those who want to grab a bite on the go. On a separate visit we even saw a cart selling jam or nutella filled doughnuts which were freshly fried and tasted amazing!

Bread and pastry cart
It's tempting to buy some of the beautiful pastries on offer but we decide to save our stomachs for the food inside the cafe.

Crushed apple cider - $5; Iced coffee - $6

After about 20 minutes, we're called to our table and we start off with some drinks - a refreshing non-alcoholic apple cider for me and an iced coffee for Sir D.

The "Ground" burger - $19

We see the "Ground" burger being brought around to lots of tables and it's easy to see why it's a popular choice. The burger has ground beef brisket, cheese, lettuce, dill cornichon mayo within a toasted brioche bun, and though it looks a little flat in the picture it is quite filling and flavoursome. Some Beer battered fries are served on the side and while they're not the crunchiest of fries, they still taste pretty good.

Handmade saffron linguine - $19

The handmade saffron linguine is distinctly yellow in colour and the pasta strands have a rustic appearance to them. The pasta is cooked al dente and served with heirloom cherry tomatoes, Queensland prawns and chilli. Some lemon and fresh herbs from garden add a touch of freshness to the dish, and though it is a little oily, the tomato flavour and the sweetness of the prawns shines through and is a nice complement to the pasta.

Pastries on the counter

We're pretty stuffed at this point and unfortunately don't have any room for the pastries sitting on the counter - but I'm sure there'll be a next time at the Grounds when we can get those pastries (and probably some more doughnuts!)

The Grounds of Alexandria
Building 7A, 2 Huntley St
Alexandria NSW 2015
Ph: +61 2 9699 2225
Open Monday to Friday, 7am-4pm
Open Saturday and Sunday, 7.30am-4pm

The Grounds of Alexandria on Urbanspoon


  1. Been so long since I actually ate in there - just tend to hang out in the gardens with the animals and have the BBQ rolls instead (and then go to heaven, aka Salt Meats Cheese).

  2. Kevin Bacon is the cutest pig name ever!!! lol Errmahgerd that burger! I need to try it! Looks like it handles well.

  3. Found my match in this resto - handmade saffron linguine! Nice place, lovely photos!

    Gourmet Getaways

  4. I still haven't met Kevin Bacon yet!!! His so cute :P

  5. Always too many temptations on offer here! And Kevin's grown since I last saw him!

  6. wish i could go to the grounds more often too but like you, the lines put me off and doubt it will slow down anytime soon sighs. i rly should try to brave the queues soon because those dishes looked very tempting

  7. ermahgerd i love the grounds! it's always so busy, i had a day off during the week and it's still so busy!! love the food and natural surroundings, that grounds burger is ace!

  8. I've only been to the Grounds once so far as well - it's a LOVELY experience and the food is amazing, but it just takes so long for a table on the days that I'm free (ie weekends), that it hardly ever seems to be worth the wait!
