
9 July 2014

The Butcher's Block, Wahroonga

Back in the day when I still lived at home, Wahroonga was my hood. There wasn't much around there at the time - a few takeaway food stores, a book store, a florist and a chicken shop (which was also good for post-school munchies) but nothing to shout about.

A lot has changed since those days. The chicken shop is still there, as are some of the takeaway food stores, but some new cafes have popped up and word on the street is that there's good coffee, the food is delicious and Instagram-worthy, even.

So of course, I had to go and check it out. The Butcher's Block was one cafe that I'd heard lots of good things about, so it wasn't a surprise to me when we arrived on a Saturday lunchtime that there was a full house and a 15-minute wait for a table.

Raspberry and rose soda - $4

We ordered some drinks once we were seated, and apart from the usual coffees, juices and shakes offered at cafes, The Butcher's Block also has some sodas like raspberry and rose, and blackberry flavoured sodas. The raspberry and rose soda proved to be quite the refreshing drink and not too sweet either.

Iced coffee - $5

Coffees were also on the money with the iced coffee being a simple espresso shot mixed with milk on ice.

Pulled pork and cheese quesadilla - $18

The menu was very enticing and it took us quite a while to decide what to get. The pulled pork and cheese quesadilla came with a generous serve of sour cream on the side. The quesadilla wedges were topped with an onion and tomato salsa while inside the toasted quesadilla housed some juicy pulled pork and melty cheese.

Wagyu beef burger - $20

This sexy burger gave me food envy when it arrived on the table. The burger was stacked high with a nicely charred wagyu beef patty, lettuce, American Jack cheese, bacon, pickles mustard and a smokey BBQ sauce. It got the thumbs up from Sir D and the chunky chips on the side were addictive. Light and fluffy innards with a crisp outside, like good chips should be.

Battered flathead and chips - $20

Good thing those chips were good because I almost got a whole bucket of them in my fish and chips! The fish and chips was served in a lined metal container which. It had a mountain of chips, and four strips of battered flathead fillets. The batter a tad oily but still light and airy and the fish retained its moisture after the deep fry treatment. There was also a side salad to counteract all the fried goodness and a tub of garlic aioli for dipping.

Butcher's fried chicken and waffles - $19

The mothership got the winning dish with the Butcher's fried chicken and waffles. This was a serve of fried chicken on top of sweet waffles, served with a lime mascarpone cream and a generous drizzle of orange syrup. The sweet savoury combination worked wonders and the lime mascarpone balanced out the sweetness of the syrup with a little bit of sourness. This was a really filling dish and even though we finished it, it left us super full by the end.

The Butcher's Block

The Butcher's Block ticked all the boxes for me and I can see why it's so popular. It's a hip, trendy cafe that all the cool North Shore kids go to, that serves good coffee and great food. And chicken and waffles! What more could you ask for?

The Butcher's Block
15 Redleaf Ave
Wahroonga NSW 2076
Ph: +61 2 9487 8136
Open Monday to Saturday, 6am - 5pm

The Butcher's Block on Urbanspoon


  1. fried chicken and waffles?!?!?! SO THERE

  2. I love that your mum ordered the fried chicken and waffles! I would have too :)

  3. The fiance's parents actually live in Wahroonga, I really must take them out for breakfast to this cafe...I don't think they've been here at all!

  4. ermahgerd fried chicken and waffles with a lime mascarpone!

  5. Been here for breakfast but not lunch. That fried chicken looks very tempting! :)
