
1 May 2010

Spaghetti with Cherry Tomatoes, Ricotta and Spinach

One of the very first cookbooks I received as a gift was from my sister for my 18th birthday. At the time, I had no idea who Bill Granger was or what he was well known for, but flipping through Simply Bill I could immediately tell that Bill Granger's approach to food was all about simplicity and a focus on fresh ingredients.

A while back I visited Bills in Surry Hills for dinner and my sister ordered this spaghetti dish which looked so minimalistic on the menu but was bursting with flavour. I remembered seeing the dish in Simply Bill so I tried out the recipe at home and was surprised at how simple it was to recreate.

The ricotta imparts a lovely creaminess to the pasta dish while roasting the vegetables brings out the natural sweetness from the onion and richness from the tomatoes. Toss it all into some cooked pasta with some baby spinach and you have yourself a quick and tasty dinner in no time!

Spaghetti with Cherry Tomatoes, Ricotta and Spinach
adapted from Simply Bill by Bill Granger

750g cherry tomatoes
4 garlic cloves, sliced
1 red onion, thinly sliced
small handful fresh oregano
100ml extra virgin olive oil
500g spaghetti
50g baby spinach
200g fresh ricotta
freshly grated pecorino, to serve (I used parmesan)

1. Preheat oven to 180ÂșC. Put the tomatoes, garlic, onion and oregano into a roasting tray and drizzle with the olive oil. Roast for 20-25 minutes or until wilted.

2. Cook the pasta in boiling salted water until al dente. Drain and toss with the tomato mixture, spinach and half the ricotta. Divide among serving bowls and top with the remaining ricotta and some freshly ground black pepper. Grate some pecorino on top and serve.


  1. Yum this looks delicious. I love the colours and I bet the oven roasted ingredients go really well with the pasta.

  2. The art of minimalism. Your tomatoes look like they haven't been cooked for too long - do the juices still infuse into the pasta?

  3. I love how quick this is to make! Giada did the same thing on Everyday Italian and I had this everyday for a week in Summer. I like that it's pasta, but light!

  4. looks like this is Italy in your plate !! Pierre de Paris

  5. Very classical combination!Italian food has definitely been the cuisine of the month!

  6. Very light and refreshing pasta dish! I like!

  7. Looks great. Quick and easy meals are my favs.

  8. It looks like it's a leaf out of a Bills cookbook!! I love the simplicity and lightness of this dish - a must try!

  9. perfect... sometimes when you cook i weep..

  10. wow so simple this looks lovely :O)

  11. Hi Mark - Thanks! Hehe it's one of my favourite dinners to cook coz it's so easy! And yep the colours are pretty too :)

    Hi Richard - Thanks heaps!

    Hi The Ninja - When I took them out of the oven they'd mostly retained their shape but then when you start mixing it into the pasta they burst and so the pasta's coated with the tomato juice :)

    Hi Sonny - Thanks for commenting!

    Hi tangerine eats - I would love to eat this everyday for a week, I don't think I'd ever get sick of it!

    Hi pierre - Hehe yes the colours are very Italian aren't they?

    Hi Maria - Italian food must be a happening trend at the moment!

    Hi Ellie - Thanks! Glad you like it :)

    Hi A cupcake or two - Thanks Kath! Quick and easy always wins it for me, especially on a weeknight. And of course it helps if it tastes good too ;)

    Hi Trisha - Aw thanks! Bills is always my go-to for something simple but delicious

    Hi chocolatesuze - Do you think mr perrrrfect would approve? hehe

    Hi Betty - Thank you so much :)
